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每个人都吃. Food is an ubiquitous part of the human experience, connecting us to each other as well as to plants 和 animals. At Chatham’s 食品研究文学硕士 program, 您将通过实践经验和机会积累知识,使您对食品系统有一个全面和公平的看法, from agriculture 和 food production to cuisines 和 consumption.

优先级 & 常规的

优先级 deadline for fall enrollment is February 1 (所有申请材料必须在此日期前收到,才能优先考虑奖学金和助学金。). 常规的 deadline for fall enrollment is July 1. 常规的 deadline for spring enrollment is November 1.



2024欧洲杯官方投注食品研究硕士课程需要42个学分,可以在2年的全日制学习中完成. A part-time enrollment option is also available.



The 福克可持续发展学院 & 环境培养了与匹兹堡及其他地区实体的牢固伙伴关系. 



探索食品研究的艺术硕士,并得到你的问题的答案 attending a virtual information session or 查看录音.

Explore the 食品研究文学硕士 Degree:

学生学习农业和烹饪历史,并通过社会学研究食品生产和消费, 文化, 政治, 生态, 经济, 地理镜头. At the heart of the curriculum model are common preparatory, 经验, 核心课程, 让学生建立共享的知识库和以社区为基础的网络. 


  • A baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university
  • Overall grade point average (GPA) of 3.0或更好的4分.0规模. 3分以下申请人.通过其他成绩表现出极大希望的学生可能会被有条件录取.
  • Completed Application Form (found 在这里), which includes submission of the following documents:
    • 个人履历或简历
    • 招生的文章
    • Two letters of recommendation, preferably from an academic source
    • 正式的本科和研究生成绩单,由机构直接发送
    • Additional writing sample (optional, but encouraged)


国际申请者必须向招生办公室提交额外的文件. A list of these documents can be found on the 国际招生 网页.

FST 607:可持续消费

可持续的粮食系统支持环境健康和地方经济,并具有社会公正. “可持续”饮食意味着在选择食物时遵循这些概念. 本课程首先在区域食品系统工作和区域食品系统评估的背景下定义和描述“可持续饮食”. 然后,学生将从三个角度探讨可持续消费:消费者的观点, 包括营养健康, 对“可持续性”的认知, 如何选择食物, 和 市场营销 issues like eco-labels; the growers’ 和 producers’ viewpoint, including questions of logistics 和 food safety; 和 the institutions’ or food business’ challenges of incorporating what we would consider foods grown 和/or sourced in a sustainable manner in their operations.

FST624: Chocolate, Politics 和 Pleasure

本课程将探讨巧克力作为一种全球产品的历史和文化, 农业(种树), 处理bean), 直接/公平贸易, 劳动与正义, 健康, 巧克力的生产, 销售, 市场营销, 和可持续性. Experiential components include chocolate making, tempering; culinary practices, 和 site visits to chocolate manufacturers, 最终在设计和营销可持续的巧克力产品.

FST532: Sustainable Meat Production

As part of sustainable agriculture 和 culinary knowledge, 了解传统大型加工设施之外的肉类生产对将在餐馆工作的学生来说是一项关键技能, 农产品市场, 以及其他分发场所.


我进入食品研究项目时,确信工业化农场是敌人,而本地/有机农场是创造更公正的食品体系的途径. I’ve learned that t在这里 is no black 和 white in the world of food. T在这里 are many obstacles to achieving a just 和 equal food system, but this program is giving me the tools to ‘fight the good fight.'

-kaitlyn best, maffs ' 13

图为匹兹堡市中心会议中心的屋顶花园, 沿河而建


The 福克可持续发展学院 & 环境培养了与匹兹堡及其他地区实体的牢固伙伴关系. Find out how one such partnership brought new life to the David L. Lawrence Convention Center downtown.


Experiential Learning: 2024欧洲杯官方投注

In Chatham's 食品研究文学硕士 program, 我们强调体验式学习, which often focuses on "learning how" alongside "learning what". 我们实现这一目标的一种方式是通过学生驱动的2024欧洲杯官方投注(ADG).

了解ADG 棋盘1 -体验式学习:生态农业示范园

社区伙伴关系: La Prima Coffee

Since the start of Chatham University’s Master of 食品研究 program, students have been touring the Pittsburgh coffee purveyor La Prima Espresso公司. Through partnerships like this one with local businesses, 政府, 非营利组织, 农场, 供应商, 和 restaurants across the region, Chatham MAFS students gain the kind of h和s-on, 对他们领域的经验理解标志着我们的食品研究项目真正独特.

观看更多视频 : Checkerboard 2 - 社区伙伴关系: La Prima Coffee


弗兰基·威廉姆斯, MAFS is the fire master for the Eden Hall bread oven, a community gathering place on campus. The bread oven was a thesis project by MAFS alum Shauna Kearns, who wrote a successful grant for this project.

观看更多视频 : Checkerboard 3 - 支持构建您的项目


Located 20 minutes north of Pittsburgh, Chatham's 伊甸堂校园 这是世界上第一个为可持续发展而建立的学术社区吗. The grounds 和 infrastructure support 研究 和 learning around energy 和 climate; water 和 aquaculture; food 和 agriculture; community 和 健康; 和 design 和 planning. 

观看更多视频 : Checkerboard 4 - 伊甸堂校园
Decorative image reading 教师清单


Chatham's 食品研究 faculty members are accomplished teachers, 学者, 从业人员, 以及该领域活跃的领导者. 他们作为导师和顾问,在你前进的每一步都在你身边.

与教师见面 : Checkerboard 5 - 计划能力

Center for Regional Agri文化, Food, 和 Transformation (工艺)

An affiliate of the MAFS program, 工艺 提供资源, 学习的机会, 和 technical assistance on food systems, 地域饮食文化, 和 sustainable economies to individuals, 组织, 和企业. 它为学生提供了充分的机会参与助学金, 研究, 项目参与.

学习手艺 区域农业、食品和转型中心(工艺)
Photo of a group of volunteers wearing the same grey shirt, 留着假牛奶胡子, each holding a small carton of milk

The Smarter Lunchrooms Movement comes to Pittsburgh Public 学校

Simple changes in the environment can lead to 健康ier lunchtime choices. That’s the thinking behind the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement (SLM), 该项目于2009年由康奈尔儿童营养行为经济学中心的研究人员启动. 

了解SLM 棋盘7 -智慧餐厅运动来到匹兹堡公立学校
图为一名蒙面的2024欧洲杯官方投注学生拿着一碗蓝色的收获农产品, at the entrance to a greenhouse on 伊甸堂校园

学费 & 资金

The cost of a graduate degree consists of university tuition (per credit charge), fees, 和 any other personal expenses you may 需要 为了获得学位. 查塔姆国际事务研究所也提供了一个 公司合伙人八折优惠, 研究生助教奖学金, professional campus work positions 为许多研究生项目提供帮助,使查塔姆的研究生教育更容易负担得起. 我们的财政援助和招生办公室也将与您一起了解贷款和融资方案. 

探索学费 & 资金 棋盘-学费 & 资金


Photo of two people wearing masks, one with a notebook 和 pen in h和. 在他们后面有桶.

哪里可以酿啤酒, 从头开始制作酸奶, 了解苹果酒屋的内部运作,并制作一本学生经营的杂志? In Chatham’s Sustainable Fermentation class, of course!


Hal Klein graduate from Chatham in 2012 with a Master of 食品研究. Now, he's the associate editor 和 restaurant critic for 匹兹堡杂志. 阅读他的故事 Pulse@ChathamU.


Hal Klein graduate from Chatham in 2012 with a Master of 食品研究. Now, he's the associate editor 和 restaurant critic for 匹兹堡杂志. 阅读他的故事 Pulse@ChathamU.

Photo of a young woman working in the agroecology garden

Find out about Chatham's 2024欧洲杯官方投注, Eden Hall校区的一个以学生为中心的花园,他们在这里进行项目来说明他们在课堂上学到的东西.

一个黑人妇女的照片, 托尼·辛普森, 在锅里搅拌食物,并向一位年轻的黑人妇女示范,她围着围裙,戴着面具,正在观察

ChathamU alum 托尼·辛普森 knows the power of food to unite 和 inspire. 了解她在匹兹堡社区厨房担任学校主任和首席厨师讲师的角色.

Close-up photo of several large trees in a row

作为最后一个项目, Rachel Waugh designed a tour of 伊甸堂校园 that focuses on the earliest known occupants of the l和, 承认它“与该州和国家的其他地区分享殖民主义的遗产和持续的暴力.”






412-419-3772 (st和ard text/SMS rates will apply)




Complete our Request for Information form

Or, answer a few questions 和 we will be glad to help.
